Flashlight US Army "Fulton MX-991/MU

Senter, lampu sinyal atau flashlight asli buatan AS merk Fulton.
Model dengan nomor serie MX-991/U dipakai oleh tentara AS sejak perang Vietnam atau sejak pertengahan tahun 1960an.

Design menurut Wikipedia:

The MX-991/U flashlight is an inexpensive, waterproof angle head flashlight that uses two D-cell batteries (military BA-30). It uses a standard incandescent bulb, and features a high-impact plastic body, a belt/equipment clip so that it may be fastened to a belt or strap, a tailcap lanyard ring, a multi-mode switch and tailcap with a storage compartment which houses multiple colored plastic lenses which is not available on the telecommunications variant of the flashlight.

Features menurut Wikipedia:

The multi-mode switch consists of three settings: Off, Signal, and On. When the switch is set to Signal, the user is able to press and hold a button located just above the switch to turn the light on, and it will switch off again when the button is released. This allows users to signal using Morse code. When the switch is moved up to the On position, the flashlight remains on without any further user interaction. The modern MX-991/U also features a switch guard which was not present in previous variants as issued in the Vietnam War. The switch guard was suggested as an improvement from soldiers during the war, and later added to prevent unintentional operation of the flashlight. This helped to prevent soldiers from accidentally giving their position away in the dark should equipment, clothing etc press the signal button or move the switch. The tailcap consists of two compartments. The first houses the spring and keeps the batteries inside the flashlight body. Under the spring, a small plastic component houses a spare flashlight bulb. The second part of the tailcap consists of a small compartment that houses five plastic lens. The nosecap of the flashlight has the ability to be unscrewed, and a custom lens can be fitted. The flashlight contains five lens in the tailcap, consisting of two red lens, blue lens, white lens, and diffuser lens (earlier three red and no blue-green). This enabled soldiers to send signals using different colors, or to cast the light in different methods. As the flashlight could not be focused/unfocused, the diffuser lens was used to spread the light in such a fashion that it would throw out a wide glow of light, as opposed to a narrow, focused beam.

Kondisi bagus, tidak ada karatan di bagian dalam, masih layak pakai atau masih nyala, lengkap dengan sparepart bohlam. Lensa “multicolored” tidak ada (kemungkinan ini adalah versi “telekomunikasi” sehingga tidak menggunakan fitur tersebut).

Panjang circa 21 cm


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Di bagian bawah mobil diecast VW Kodok Cabrio terdapat making seperti ini: “VW Beetle” dan huruf “H”, perkiraan kami itu menandai barang buatan China, merk “Hongwell”.

Walaupun buatan China, kualitasnya halus dan berdetail.


Gilingan Kopi "Geska Fortschritt" # 3

Gilingan Kopi manual buatan Jerman dengan bodi berbahan bakelit/ebonit berwarna creme/unggu.
Bagian penggiling dan putaran dari bahan stainless, pegangan dari kayu dicat merah tua.

Jika dilihat dari segi desain bisa dibilang gilingan kopi ini adalah contoh untuk gaya Art Deco, sederhana tetapi indah!

Gilingan kopi ini asli buatan Jerman oleh perusahaan “Geska” antara tahun 1937 sampai awal tahun 1950an dan dinamakan “Fortschritt” (artinya dalam bahasa Jerman adalah kemajuan).

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang perusahaan “Geska” bisa anda membaca post kami “Gilingan Kopi GESKA Fortschritt “

Walapun umur barang diatas 60 tahun kondisi masih bagus dan layak pakai.

Penggiling masih bersih tanpa karatan, tempat (bodi) untuk menampung bubuk kopi masih cukup bersih, hanya di pinggir atas ada retak kecil, seperti dilihat di foto.

Ukur: Tinggi 18 cm, panjang putaran 11 cm, dimensi bodi: 10,5 x 9,5 x 4,5 cm